Source code for async_v20.exceptions

[docs]class AsyncV20Exception(Exception): """A base exception for all exceptions in the async_v20 package""" pass
class AsyncV20Warning(Warning): """A base warning for all warnings in the async_v20 package""" pass
[docs]class InitializationFailure(AsyncV20Exception): """OandaClient Failed to initialize""" pass
[docs]class ResponseTimeout(AsyncV20Exception): """The server took to long to respond""" pass
[docs]class CloseAllTradesFailure(AsyncV20Exception): """Failed to close all trades""" pass
[docs]class InvalidValue(AsyncV20Exception): """A supplied value does not meet the specification of valid values""" pass
[docs]class InvalidFormatArguments(AsyncV20Exception): """Arguments to format a DecimalNumber or PriceValue are invalid""" pass
[docs]class IncompatibleValue(AsyncV20Exception): """A supplied argument is different than the predefined value""" pass
[docs]class UnknownKeywordArgument(AsyncV20Warning): """A passed keyword argument is not in the objects __init__ signature""" pass
[docs]class InstantiationFailure(AsyncV20Exception): """async_v20 was unable to create an object from the passed arguments""" pass
[docs]class UnexpectedStatus(AsyncV20Exception): """The server returned an unexpected HTTP status""" pass
[docs]class FailedToCreatePath(AsyncV20Exception): """Unable to construct the path for the requested endpoint""" pass
[docs]class InvalidOrderRequest(AsyncV20Exception): """The order request is not with in the instruments specification the order is for""" pass