Formatting Order Requests

OandaClient provides the option to format OrderRequest’s in the context of the instrument the OrderRequest is for.

Confused? So was I, Let’s have a look at an instrument. series() representation of an Instrument.

display_name                      Brent Crude Oil
display_precision                               3
margin_rate                                  0.05
maximum_order_units                        100000
maximum_position_size                           0
maximum_trailing_stop_distance                100
minimum_trade_size                              1
minimum_trailing_stop_distance               0.05
name                                      BCO_USD
pip_location                                   -2
trade_units_precision                           0
type                                          CFD
dtype: object

The above instrument outlines the formatting of an OrderRequest for the Instrument (in this case Brent Crude Oil). Take Instrument. trade_units_precision as an example, this attribute defines how many decimal places OrderRequest. units may be used for this instrument (our example 0).

You will also notice minimum and maximum values for other OrderRequest attributes.

OandaClient. format_order_requests is a boolean value which changes the degree to which OrderRequest’s will be modified to comply with the instrument specification. If format_order_requests is set to True OandaClient will modify values so that they are within the valid range specified by the instrument.


I believe most users will want to use this feature as it dramatically reduces the complexity of placing valid OrderRequests. It is disabled by default.

Only enable this feature if you understand that your OrderRequest. stop_loss_on_fill/ take_profit_on_fill/trailing_stop_loss_distance and price_bound configuration may be altered to comply with the instruments valid ranges.


The precision of DecimalNumber and PriceValue will always be rounded to the correct precision for the instrument, regardless of OandaClient. format_order_requests value.


>>> from async_v20 import OandaClient
>>> import asyncio
>>> client = OandaClient()
>>> run = loop.run_until_complete
>>> run(client.create_order('AUD_USD', 0))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: OrderRequest units 0.0 are less than the minimum trade size 1.0
>>> run(client.create_order('AUD_USD', 1))
<Status [201]: orderCreateTransaction, orderFillTransaction, relatedTransactionIDs, lastTransactionID>
>>> client.format_order_requests
>>> client.format_order_requests = True
>>> run(client.create_order('AUD_USD', 0))
<Status [201]: orderCreateTransaction, orderFillTransaction, relatedTransactionIDs, lastTransactionID>
>>> client.format_order_requests = False
>>> run(client.create_order('AUD_USD', 1, trailing_stop_loss_on_fill=0))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Trailing stop loss distance 0.0 is not within AUD_USD specified range 0.0005 - 1.0
>>> client.format_order_requests = True
>>> run(client.create_order('AUD_USD', 1, trailing_stop_loss_on_fill=0))
<Status [201]: orderCreateTransaction, orderFillTransaction, relatedTransactionIDs, lastTransactionID>