Getting started

Creating an Account

To use async_v20 you must have an account with OANDA

Setting up environment


Using async_v20

Once an account has been created as per Creating an Account and the environment is configured as per Setting up environment, we are ready to begin.

Lets first take a look at this code example, then go though it line by line.

import asyncio

from async_v20 import OandaClient

async def get_account():
    async with OandaClient() as client:
        return await client.account()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
account = loop.run_until_complete(get_account())

# pandas Series

First we need to import asyncio this allows us to run our coroutine

import asyncio

We then import OandaClient which provides us the means to interact with OANDA

from async_v20 import OandaClient

Because OandaClient returns coroutines we use async def. This allows the use of the await syntax

async def get_account():

OandaClient is a context manager, we use async with to instantiate a client instance. Doing so will automatically close the http session when we’re done

    async with OandaClient() as client:

We then create and await the coroutine by calling client. account()

        return await client.account()

Now we have defined our coroutine we need to execute it. To do so we need an event loop. Achieved using asyncio. get_event_loop()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

The value returned by executing the account coroutine is accessed through the event loop.

account = loop.run_until_complete(get_account())

async_v20 objects have a Model. series() method that returns a pandas. Series



Each application should only instantiate ONE OandaClient instance per account. See Best Practices.